Sunday, July 25, 2010

July Adventures

The 3rd of July I went to the park to see Grandpa play guitar.


July 11th my Mom came and I helped her celebrate her birthday we went swimming to a water park and took a rode trip to St George where it was really hot. It was a fun week and I got to spend time with my Uncle John too.


My Mom fixed my hair really cute and I'm showing it off.


On the 24th we went to a Salt Lake Bees game, at first it scared me when everyone clapped and screamed then I liked it because everyone was happy and I even liked the fireworks they had music. I stayed up too late on lots of nights this month so I'm planning on sleeping in a lot this week and playing with my cousins who will be home from Maryland Tuesday. I can hardly wait.
Well W & ET are home and I didn't know my little legs could go so fast as I ran out to the car when I saw them set feet on home turf. What a fun day we had.

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